
A Girl

I came so close to choking on a starburst. Someone said something funny, I laughed, and next thing I know the starburst I was chewing wass slowly making its way down. Thankfully it never stopped and it made it all the way down. Never laugh while chewing a starburst. 1 in 26 people half way choke on a starurst while laughing every year. I think the statistics speak for themselves here folks.

This weekend it has been relatively cool. I have worn blue jeans, long sleeves, and a wind breaker every day. I LOVE THE NORTH!!

To be honest, all of this "college" hoopla isn't really as big a deal as it sounds. All my buddies are cool. Everyone here lets you know when there is alcohol at a party and cares less if you don't have any. Everyone on my floor seems pretty cool. I haven't seen or heard anything that would corrupt me too bad.

Gersh asked me some really tough intriguing questions about Rachel and I. They were really good to chew on for a while. When all was said and done he said..."I have never met a person that is soooo.....I can't think of a word. It just intrigues me how incredibly much you like this kid, how incredibly close the two of you are, how incredible the two of you seem and how little you have physically. I am truly impressed. When you said you liked her and had never really kissed I thought for sure that you just didn't know what it meant to truly like someone. I now think that you may know better than any of us what it truly means to like someone." I grinned and looked at the picture next to my computer. I miss home alot sometimes.


8:36 p.m.
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