
Call Me

Every thing in life has its motivations. For instance when you go to the doctor you are motivated by that Jolly Rancher you know you will get when you leave. When you go to the dentist you are motivated by that little free toothbrush that they give you. Now at the eye doctors you get some serious amounts of motivation. If you get your eyes dilated then you get the free Ray Charles glasses when you leave! Yesterday...I most definitely picked up a free pair of Ray Charles glasses!!! Much to my dismay I also lost all near sighted vision. Thankfully Caroline was there to lend me a hand and read everything to me. Stupid 12 point font on the Chilis menu!

While I am still depressed as all get out I couldn't just leave last nights entry up here. Its time to just enjoy the week as it happens.

Have a lovely day off and if any of you readers out there find something to do then give me a ring...on my cell. 347-8501 Because its fun to get calls on your cell phone! (Small Stipulation: I have no just hanging out is way super cool) Call me!

Jason<>< :)

10:34 a.m.
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