

If you told a kid to sleep on it for a long time...and its now been a long else can I deter them. I guess its completely out of my was to begin with, but I never saw that. Oh well, if you ruin your life, don't say I didn't warn ya!

Soccer----and chalk up a win! 5-0...a shutout! Dang we are good!

School has officially become worthless. Completely and utterly worthless. A waste of my time. The teachers are wasting their time too. Everyone is just locked in this building with explicit instructions to waste time for another week.

There are just those days. You know, those days. Just days that float by. When you are 45 you will have no memory of those floater days.

Screaming high pitched girls are soo annoying. There were about 7 cheering some guys on at soccer. ANNOYING! Sooo high pitched and so retarded. They were the textbook definition of ditz.

This has been quite the waste of an entry. Bye :)


9:16 p.m.
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