

Wow the Senior Slide Show cd has so much on it. Every Shaka from last year, best band guestbook entries (I had two :) ), the live recordings of our last spring concert, and deleted movie scenes that didn't make the slideshow! Super awesomeness cool!!!

I tell ya tonight was like a dream. So much happened in so little time. I hope I can remember everything!

Tonight I am pretty sure I broke the record for the most hugs I have given out in a 2 minute period. Poor Jenna kept trying to come over, but everytime someone else beat her by a second.

I am blessed to know so many people and my only wish is that I can do in college whatever it is I did in high school to make so many AWESOME friends.

I guess I can sum everything up in one little thing...

{[hug]} You are the best..I love you mr or miss diary reader person!


10:39 p.m.
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