

Ok I thinks it time to give that last retarded entry a new look. I call it...something.

Anyway, I tried to go to Rachel's softball game today, but after one and a half innings mom called me on my cell phone and pitched a fit about how I didn't completely rake the yard or something. So, I had to go home and finish the job in order to keep from having my life taken from me. I wish mom would make the punishment fit the crime, instead she just says she'll ground me for every little thing I do. Not fair I tell ya. Oh well, M.T. (That stands for Mountain TOP;) ) starts up super soon and she will be all gone. Yaaaay.

I don't think its a good thing to start talking about ones mom like this on the Thursday before Mothers Day. I think its like against the Mothers Day code of honor or something.

Oh, oh, oh...ap exam sucked big time. Nothing to get depressed about, but definitely a piece of mail that I will not be looking forward to this summer.

Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the alligators bite...


10:25 p.m.
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