
Ahh! Look at that cow floating in the air!!

Talk about an interesting day. Mom wakes the whole family up at like 1 in the morning and tells us to get downstairs and into the closet because she heard the tornado sirens and one is headed our way. By 2:30 nothing had happened and I told her that I didn't care if I got sucked up in a tornado...sleep was more important to me. Then mom comes into my room at 6:00 and tells me not to wake up because school was delayed for two hours (I really don't understand the logic in telling someone not to wake up...wouldn't that wake them up?!). I go back to sleep and wake up at 10 and quickly realize that if school was delayed two hours then I should have been there by 9:30. I quickly run downstairs to see if maybe I slept in or something but to my shock school had been cancelled. Hence, a day of pure fun began. Eric and I played outside all morning until mom got scared that we would get sucked into the clouds and never come back. Then that afternoon after a while of inactivity I convinced mom to let us got back outside and play by promising her that if, and when (because of course it was inevitable), we got sucked up we would scream for help. As if that would save us or something. Moms worry way to much.

I just got done taking some practice tests for Calculus and I feel pretty confident. Stelmezack has really prepared us well. I am so scared to say that becuase now I am going to get like a 2!

Don't forget to wear your bright orange floaties to bed tonight, we don't want anyone drowning in their sleep. ;)


9:49 p.m.
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