

Under normal circumstances only one person of my age should be on the trampoline at a time. However, between Eric and I we count as about 3/4 the weight of the average person my age so getting three people on at once is a peice of cake! Eric, my neighbor, and I must have bounced around for like an hour tonight. It was sooo much fun. I feel like a little 5 year old!

It is totally the little things in life that make me happy. For instance when you really really need to blow your nose and you aren't near my car, which is loaded with a billion boxes of Kleenex, and you find a tissue. Its like finding a needle in a haystack...except you are extremo happy!

How on earth are guys and girls able to interact?! Today at church someone got the idea that we should combine the senior high guys and girls sunday school classes. I have never sat in such a silent room in my entire life. All the girls just sat there. All the guys just sat there. I was the only one who actually attempted to start conversations, however, all these attempts failed because everyone would give stupid one word answers. I hate it when people do that. You ask them a question like "How was your Saturday?" and all they say is "good". Ok so now I just wasted a question. It would have been more economical for me to not waste precious oxygen saying that question cause you obviously would rather just sit there like a bump on a log for the next 45 minutes that we are forced to sit here. You know what it means when the guys and girls just sit there silently...someone has a crush on someone else in the room. Yep, some of those little freshman liked each other and were afraid to say anything in fear of saying something that others would think of as stupid.

Speaking of being a stupid freshman...when I went to the movies Friday night the place was swarming with Freshman and middle schoolers. It was soo disgusting. I now know why the teen sex rate is so high. None of those guys and girls hanging all over each other really actually liked each other. They were just trying to be cool. Uhh...I am going to stop now before I start ranting on why the divorce rate and teen pregnancy rate in this country is soo dang high. I'll tell ya though that if you go to the movies on a Friday night you will see exactly why. So many superficial relationships and retardness! Thank god I never wished to be cool in middle school. I was always quite content just being that little nerd with a couple of friends.

Sooooooo anyway...I am outta here...


9:42 p.m.
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