

Lumley and I have officially hijacked a computer at the Sheraton. Yipee!

Let me just say that the kids here for this Youth Leg are RETARDED!! I mean that with zero exageration. I can't even think of a word to actually describe these kids if I were to exagerate. For the love of god these kids can't even spell simple words...never mind actually make a complete sentence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Claire and Kamya are the only two in red senate and they are spitting nails. Thankfully their bill got passed! It was hard though with the amount of retarded people in the room. Now its my job to get the thing passed the House, which believe or not actually has slightly more intelligence than the senate?!?! Ok I am going to stop talking. I think Lumley and I are about to start an holy war against stupid people. Our own jihad if you will.

Wish us luck and that we survive this flood of morons!!!!!


5:31 p.m.
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