


I leave for Mountain TOP on Saturday the 24 and don't come back until the end of summer. I worked out a deal where I could leave the training on the 25th so that I could graduate. Apparently this isn't good enough for mom however. She basically yelled at me for ten minutes straight about how I was ruining everything and totally messing up my high school graduation. Gee whiz I sure am glad I decided to do this Mountain TOP thing. I refuse to give in however and just do what my mom wants (thats to just not go to the training). Instead I will negotiate between my ever stubborn and stupid, ignorant mother, and Mountain TOP. I sure hope these Mountain TOP people are very nice people and are good at handling enraged mothers. I tell ya, my mom can be uber evil if she wants to be!

I am trying my hardest to keep a level head. I am trying my hardest to please both sides. I am trying to keep everyone happy, but apparently I failed. Now its my job to go in and try to fix things. WHY CAN'T SHE JUST UNDERSTAND THAT THE WORLD DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND HER!!!! You know I always hate saying that because its always ironic when someone says that and everyone reading is thinking..."WHY CANT HE JUST FIGURE OUT THE WORLD DOESN'T REVOLVE AROUND HIM!!!". Maybe I am just blinded by my own ambitions and I have ignored my mom. I really don't think I have though. I think she just has a stick up the....

Talk to you all later. I need to go cool off for a while...


6:11 p.m.
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