
Who are you? No no, who am I

Tomorrow is going to be such a waste of a day. My first class is Spanish and my teacher already told everyone that we aren't going to do anything except play Scrabble en espanol. If we are lucky she said she might bring in a spanish movie. My next class will be study hall. That will be fun seeing as how I will have 2 hours of Dr. Bailey and nothing to do. Then off to band. Then off to government. Talk about a stuuuuupid class! Finally my day is over and I shall have accomplished nothing. My life as a senior can be summed up with the words accomplished nothing.

I have that feeling in my throat like a cold is coming on. That would suck. This has been such a diseased year.

I've been thinking my head hurts.

My mom told me today that I need to start thinking about what I want to do for my graduation party?!?! What the F*@^!!! Is my mom trying to rush me out of the house here. I would like to enjoy these last 2 and a half months of being a senior before I start thinking seriously about any "end of highschool" thoughts. Please just let me enjoy the moment. Please Please! The planets will never align like this again. I will never be around this many great people at once until I come back and crash the Juniors class reunion. :) Ya I think we should just mold the Junior and Senior class together and have one big class reunion. That way I get to see EVERYONE again and again. If only the world was perfect.

Today I watched About A Boy. The recurring motif "No man is an island" actually comes from John Donnes "Meditation 17". What it actually says is "No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main." I really like that quote. For once in my life I actually connected on some English nerdy level and understood the symbolism. Go me!

Ok so I was reading this guys diary and he had the coolest little explanation of girls, I mean...young ladies. Here it is. Its a bit long but its pretty cool.


first, i like to think there are no "girls," but ladies or women.

now, there are young ladies, but no old ladies, so one is either a lady, a young lady or a nice woman. when in doubt, she's a young lady.

second, i like to think of all ladies and women as similar to the oceans of the world. what do i mean? this is what i mean:

the oceans of the world are located in different places. they have different names. often they are different colors, especially after Exxon oil spills, but that's another talk.

all-in-all, the oceans of the world all have the same nature and are really one big ocean.

just like ladies are different in some ways but the same in lots of others and just like one day you might have only one ladyfriend or wife.

now, like ladies, oceans are deep and vast. they are complex. like oceans have waves that go back and forth, women have feelings that do the same thing. also, they both have depths that support different life at every level. (trust me on that one, you'll understand later).

and, the deeper you dive the more mysterious they both become.

the ocean can be dangerous if you venture in alone and run into a storm without some kind of lifeline to rescue. it's always good to have a friend because the storms can be downright violent and all you can do is ride them out and hope.

and the storms can be completely unpredictable coming at any time without explanation. remember, you can be hurt by ladies and oceans, so remember to have a friend and to be a friend for the storms.

because you can hurt badly.

just like the ocean you shouldn't get serious with a lady without thinking very, very carefully about the consequences. and you should get serious with a lady only after thinking very, very carefully.

now, why do we ever want to go into the ocean or have a ladyfriend? well, we as human beings, as men, we need the ocean.

without the ocean we could not eat, we could not drink. the ocean is part of what makes the world work the way it is supposed to. it is the major part, really the starting point, of the cycle of life.

so, while the ocean can cause occasional pain, just like ladies, it is pain that we probably could not live without because of how much we need the ocean. without the ocean we could not even breathe.

and, when we love the ocean it is a love like no other love we can experience.

i think all of those things are true of ladies, too..


i think without true love of a lady we have trouble breathing.

also, like the ocean, ladies are so beautiful.

nowhere else can you hear the sounds of an ocean in the way that ocean sounds move your spirit. nowhere else can you see the beauty of nature in all its splendor.

this beauty cannot be duplicated by anything. it is artistry, allure and elegance all wound into one entity that speaks with a grace which you will find nowhere else in the universe.

and i believe the ocean is really a window to the entire universe.

all just like the right lady.

okay, are you bored yet? almost done.

i know you wonder "what does all this have to do with ladies?"

well, here is what i'm getting at: a lot of times i wonder to myself about the ocean and ladies because sometimes they are so confusing and complex and deep and hard to understand. and i wonder "why even bother with the ocean or ladies anyway?

but you know what?

when i finally went out to find the ocean and love, and i saw their beauty and grace and infinite goodness, i realized

it's okay to wonder about women and the ocean

but not to question them.


9:08 p.m.
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