
Thanks!!!!!!You are all the greatest!!!!!!

I have not been up at 6:45 in the morning since like band season. This is nuts. Whats weird though is that I am wide awake. Its not like I wish I was in bed. I feel like its 9 or 10. Weeeeird.

I just wanna say that all my friends are awesomer than awesome. They are all just the awesomest. The "surprise" party was perfect. Just perfect. Nothing went wrong. It was totally picture perfect. Thanks everyone. I love you all!

Now all I have to say about that is..."If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." I'll try again for sure. I can't be that hard. :)

Good morning everyone! Have a lovely day!!!


P.S. Dave is pretty dang sweet Brian! I will definitely burn you a copy.

6:45 a.m.
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