
18 Wooo

Today I turned 18 and became oMan. Yay for that.

I actually only got two happy birthday calls today. One from my grandma and another from Flemming. Flemming wanted to know if I wanted to go see "a rated R movie". Ooh those big bad movies that you magically become eligble to see once you hit that ever so mature age of 18. Ha! Anyway, we went and saw Old School which was rather hilarious. It ranked up there with Shrek. ;

I don't have much to put in here because the only thing I have been doing lately is playing the new computer game that my brother got me. C&C Generals for anyone who cares to know.

Have a lovely day...


P.S. I am still 5, err maybe 3 some days and with a shiny object in the room I might even be about 1 and a half.

9:43 p.m.
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