
Well, I thought it was funny

For those of you who didn't get the memo I just updated my profile last night.

Today I went down to that printing place, McQuiddys, and stuffed these big booklet thingys again. Its easy work, but your fingers feel weird when you are done. The reason I went was because my dad said that whatever money I earned would go straight to my Mountain TOP fund. See, I got my official employment packet the other day from Mountain TOP with all this official stuff in it. Including a little packet explaining that I have to raise half my salary...somwhere around $1,300. Anyone wanna help me out here :). In all seriousness if you want to learn more about this or how to help me out please be sure to talk to me. I would be more than happy to answer any questions you might have. Oh an no donation is too small so don't worry about that.

Tonight my dad and I filled out all the official acceptance stuff for Purdue. It was rather exciting, until we got to the part where they started asking for money. My dad made the funniest face when he got to the money part. It was this face of confusion, sadness, and being excited all rolled into one. hehehe

By the way, it appears that I am the only one who thinks Shrek was "rolling on the floor laughing" kind of funny. I give up. I guess the world just doesn't know something extremely funny when they see it. :p

Birthday Countdown: 3 days!

Have an excellent day tomorrow everyone!...


7:04 p.m.
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