

I just got done watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding with my family and obnoxiously loud neighbor. The movie was awesome, but the annoying laughter from the neighbor was not. You know I think romantic and perfect love stories like this actually happen in real life...with the right spin I think you could find it.

I hate hate hate Valentines Day. My mom gives me this bear to give Rachel for Valentines Day. Ok, there is something wrong with this picture. My MOM gave me a bear to give to Rachel. I know my mom meant well, but c'mon I thought Valentines Day was meant for you to show that someone how you felt about them...not how your mom thinks you should show how you feel about them! You think about it though and its pretty funny that my mom thought it was "cool" for me to give Rachel this free bear that she got cause she bought so many Valentines Cards at the Halmark store. Oh and I hate Valentines Day cause I feel like you are only setting yourself up for disappointment. See if you do something really cool one year then ya kinda have to do something cooler the next year and so on. Well, I am not all that creative a person and I would run out of ideas almost instantaneously. Hey, I can draw a really cool stick figure if that counts for any creative talent. Oh and I hate Valentines Day cause I feel like I am "supposed" to do something. Ya well I don't know what that something is. I really really don't know what it is. So forgive me...I have no clue what to do.

This marks the end of my dland entry. I took little notes during the weekend cause I felt like I had no one to talk to so I just talked to myself in these little notes. Read on if you wanna know what I was thinking this weekend...


* Friday * Ever been clostraphobic of people? I can't say that I had until this weekend. I've become so short tempered this whole trip that it scares me. I have let the smallest things get to me and to be honest I can't help it. It's as if my own emotions have escaped my grasp.

The music that we have played so far has been awesome. It is so nice to hear a bunch of trumpets with good tone. I have made a great new friend today. His name is Michael and he is just like me. Its quite freaky how we mess up and frack the exact same notes at the exact same time.

I just wanna talk to someone. Not ten at once, but just one person. Amazing how you little prayers are answered in the weirdest ways. Jared Box just walked up and sat down next to me. Who the heck knows how he found me hiding here, but somehow he did. He is talking to me about relationships. No matter what happens, I know that I will only get more confused about them. I can't really put into words what I am trying to say. It's neither a bad or good thing, just this constant frustration on what is going on. So often I feel like I am walking in the fog. I can see exactly where I am, but I have no clue where I am going. Jared just left. He is an interesting cookie. What amazes me is that as weird as some people are, deep down they still want the same basic things that we all want.

I hate the fact that I have completly ignored you most of the weekend. I let one little thing take over and I just never let got rid of it. Stupid, stupid, stupid me. Too many things are swimming through my head and way too many things are bothering me. Stupid Youth Ledge bill has consumed my head ever since whats his name deleted all my research off of Dr. Bailey's computer. I guess I could have told Jared all the stuff on my mind, but I just don't quite feel like telling him stuff. Ben just told me I need to back upstairs cause Box is gonna do room check soon. Oh and this Valentines Day sucked and how did Ben find my hiding spot too?! I suck at hiding!

* Saturday - on the bus * Just finished the rehersal. We are gonna totally kick butt tonight. Rachel must be soo nervous with her solo and all. I'm sure it will all work out in the end though.

I really like our director. He is this Hawaiian Japanese guy that Ben says has a Bostonian accent. I am on the bus right now and Laura is talking to Mr. Anderson about the possiblity of us getting out of school for flooding. Hehehe I doubt it will actually happen.

* Saturday - warm up for concert * I am sitting in the band room in the basement right now. It seems the Hawaiian director guy has gone MIA. Hmm he lets us out an hour and a half early and shows up late just before the concert. I think this guy is into some shady Hawaiian business. Ok there is some French Horn kid and trumpet kid who needs to stop seeing how high they can play. It is really getting annoying. And the Hawaiian guy has just entered.

* Later into the warm up * Right now we are tuning. I am so tired. The reason I am writing again is because this is helping me keep my eyes open. They feel so heavy. Oh and in case you are curious I am in tune. He has tuned me three times and each time he has told me that I was good and not to change anything. From the looks of things I would say that we are gonna tune every single person in the band. This could take a while.

My nose is stuffed and bah. I sure hope I am just coming down with a cold and that is all.

Code Red! Code Red! A flutes pad thingy has just flown off her flute. It appears as though Nakayah is too the rescue.

MUST STAY AWAKE! Oh my gosh my eye lids feel like a ton each. The kid in front of me is trying to stay awak too. He is seeing how high he can count in French. Hehehe Weird kid :)


So there is my weekend for ya. It was a huge success when it came to music. Other things like people may have gone a bit off, but everything will get better. I am back at home now and I have gotten sleep. I am in a good mood, listening to good music and talking to cool people. Those things that may have put a dent in the weekedn are just water under the bridge now. Its time to forget that stuff and just remember the good things. Like how freaking cool that concert was that night. For your information Rachel did play her solo beautifully and the concert was a smashing success. The final tune of the first band was amazing and brought a tear to my eye. It was that awesome and moving! Goodnight all you avid readers who made it this far into my never ending entry!


9:53 p.m.
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