
"AP Fashion"

So I got the right answer and I thought I had shown everything, but aparently not. In math the right answer no longer is all thats needed to get you the points. You also need to do your work in the "AP fashion". I thought I had, but aparently not because my correct answer earned me slighty above a 50 when you translated the score to out of 100 points. ;-)

What is there to do in this town? I gotta find out. I wish there was some place where local bands or musicians could go play on like Friday nights. That would just be so awesome. I would have something to go listen too!

Is Lizzy Maguire that cool? As I type this entry my cousin just told me that she had to stop talking to me becuase she just realized that Lizzy was on. She logged off faster than I could type good bye!

I don't ever wanna lose that sense of connection. It makes me feel...I dunno, but its a really good feeling. Like a feeling of wholeness or something. Now that I have gotten a taste of what becoming disconnected for a bit feels like I am a whole lot more aware of how much college is gonna disconnect me from EVERYTHING. No car and no coming back. WOW, college is is gonna be...interesting. I am gonna miss you guys (yes Jenna, the non-gender specific use of the word guys) soooo much.

I am going to attempt to make the most of my Friday night and try to have a little fun. Goodnight!

Jason <><

6:40 p.m.
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