
An air conditioning vent


There are three types of people that I really don't like. Muchers, Liars, and Double Crossers! Past that I can get along quite decently with everyone else in the world. Its just those bottom feeding scum, lying, double crossers who speak out both sides of their mouth. Why can't everyone just be honkey dorey and tell the truth. I just can't fathom how some people live with themselves. Its so nice knowing that I personally have no secrets. There is nothing that I have to hold back in fear of people finding out. Life is sooo much simpler that way.

Life does not revolve around one thing so there is no reason to get worked up if one thing ticks you off. Haha now if only I could put that advice to work. Uhh, ok clear the mind. Do you know how hard it is to do your homework at lunch! It is near impossible...people screaming in your ear people talking really really loud. Ok now that I have painted a little picture for ya of a kid sitting, minding his own buisness, trying to finish his Calculus AP homework while five girls are talking exceptionally loud, add this...the conversation that those girls are having is about phone sex and nuns screwing around. It is IMPOSSIBLE to do that calculus homeowork. The mind wanders and mental pictures are painted. No matter how hard you try to concentrate it is in vain, a hopeless and lost cause. Uhh everything I used to take as normal has been thrown out the window. That sheltered kid who grew up in one of the most sheltered towns in America is having all those little conversation barriers just shattered one after another.

I am soo confused. So lost and so in need of direction. So many people are saying what should be happening and soo many people are telling me that something else should be happening and I think I have my own idea but really don't know. In the end I have alot of ideas and no way to know which one is the best one.

Ok I am sick of hurts and I need to do my homework!


P.S. Typos may be quite frequent since I didn't re-read this. In fact it may not even sense, but then I again I can't make sense of anything myself so it would be an accurate representation of me.

7:53 p.m.
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