

Today started off quite sad. Why? Cause we didn't get out of school for flooding. My first class of the day was Spanish and I hate it with a passion. I am just flat out no good at it. Like really, noooooo good. It's ok though because after Spanish I had study hall. We watched some Robin Williams movie that I didn't get because I missed almost all of it. Then, we watched the like original Tarzan or something. It was really really funny. Little baby gorillas being thrown around everywhere and a two minute pause for naked tarzan man to grunt about the death of his gorilla mother. Did I mention that my study hall room was freakin cold. I was freezing to death! I dunno if it was the teeth chattering or the hands pulled into the shirt to stay warm, but Rachel gave me her weatshirt. It's this old and way totally cool sweathshirt from like the 80's or something. So it was a bit small....who cares! It felt awesome. My body temperture rose to normal levels! There was something special about that sweatshirt. From the moment I put it on to the moment I took it off long after school had gotten out I felt like a five year old. I skipped to every class and made conversation with every kid I saw and felt really really happy. I LOVE THAT SWEATSHIRT. In fact I love it so much my subconcious self left it at home and didn't bring it back to school for Rachel. Bad subconcious Jason! Oh well, I will bring it back to the rehersal tomorrow. :-)

Everyone should have a magic "make the day happy" sweatshirt. It's good for ya! ;-)


12:00 a.m.
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