

Band is slipping and the people in it are falling. Don't get me wrong, I am one of them. Thankfully though some people have alerted my attention to certain specific trouble spots. I am on the case folks. I am talking it out with friends and smart leader people and finding the best course of action. My philosophy is that you can't go up to a person and blatently tell them that their actions are wrong or not helping. You have to be creative and find a unique solution to the problem. Sorta like math except you are dealing with people instead of numbers. :-)

Sometimes you just gotta face reality. My position as president is slipping. Those little uhh "talks" on Mondays are a big reason I think. Don't get me wrong, I am not depressed or thinking I am a failure. It's just that it is time to face the reality of things and those talks just aren't working. Don't bs me and tell me that those talks are working when everyone knows they aren't, just save the energy and get to the point. I/Anyone else needs to find a way to get this band back and motivated. We can do it I swear. We just needed a little something.

9:47 p.m.
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