
My Day

My day...

I leave for church. I have a really great conversation with a senior who goes to BGA. The kid is way cool...I just wish I got to hang out with him more often.

I come back from church and get ready to go ref some soccer games. I am 3/4 ready and the phone's Kim Cross, the guy who assigns us refs to games. He tells me that all the games at Crocket are cancelled. I am happy and sad. Happy cause I don't have to work. Sad because I really needed the money. I put all my ref stuff back and head on over to the computer. I turn it on and click dial up. It signs me into MSN and the phone rings. It's Kim again and he tells me that my three games have been reassigned to the soccer field at Ravenwood. Yay! I get dinero! Paul Steele and Steven were the other two refs and the games weren't two insanely bad. Most games aren't when the three of us ref together because we know how the other two feel about the game and ref it pretty tight. No nonsense when we are out there:-). I ended up bringing in $51 for just three and a half hours of work. I am one happy camper!

I get back from reffing and I feel like a giant mud ball. The fields were in aweful shape and half the mud on the field seemed to end up on my back. I dunno how that happened when I didn't fall down or anything. Hmmm. Anyway, I take a quick shower and when I get out my dad informs me that we are going to do some cleaning. Ouch, what a great way to make a happy person disgruntled. I end up having to clean up my room and my car, both looked like a bomb had gone off in them. When it is all said and done I feel pretty great. I sit back and look at my car and realize that I can now fit two more people in the car than I could last night. On top of that it just looks really good, well except for that cracked windshield:-).

I come away from my cleaning excursion feeling pretty good about myself. I felt like I had just completed some major project and come away with straight 100's. I decide to log onto the internet to see what kind of reactions people are having to MCI last night. It turns out that not much is being said. Mostly because no one really knows about the two new band boards yet. Man, having the old band board gone really sucks.

I then head on over to the DLand sight. I LOVE it when I log onto DLand and there are about 5 or 6 diaries that have been updated. I sit back and get ready to have some major fun peering into the lives of so many awesome people. Holy Smokes I am talked about in two diaries!! WOOOOOOOOOOW now I feel insanely special. Special to the nth power. I feel loved and wanted and all of the above. People, when you wanna make someone really really happy just mention them on your DLand. It is one of greatest compliments.

Now I am sitting here typing in my DLand entry and wondering if I have anything else to put up here. I decide that there is nothing and that I need to get off. So I did.


7:16 p.m.
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