

There is something to be said about being close, being yourself, and being at a band competition. It's just not quite like anything else you have ever done. It looks like a dumb waste of time on the outside, but on the inside its a blast. C'mon, admit it, you all know you are band dorks. Its only natural to go to a band competition in your free time. :-)


P.S. There were only two bands I truly wanted to see, Columbia and Overton. Thinking they had it in the bag it ws natural for me to not care about anyone else. Well, North Hardin stole the competition. :-) I guess that means we're just gonna have to win COC then cause by George, we had North Hardin down piece o' cake. Oh ya, McGavock was really really really really bad too! Along with those other two aforementioned (I dunno how to use this word. It is a word, right?!) bands.

12:38 a.m.
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