
The Price IS Right

Whew, what a productive day today has been! I got so much staff supervisor work done. I created all sorts of mailing lists and designed and wrote my first weekly newsletter. I had my weekly meeting with my superiors and they didn't yell at me too much. All in all things are going great with the supervisor job!

I have been given an opportunity to jump into radio again. *sigh* So many life decisions to make. :) I don't think I am going to take it though. I think I have just the right balance of stuff on my plate and I don't want to upset that delicate equilibrium.

On Sunday a guy said a prayer asking to be introduced to some christian girls. On Monday, John and I asked him if he wanted to go to the girls apartment, where the most christian girl I have ever met lives. The funny part...we had no clue he had asked God for some help. The even funnier part...we have never once ever asked someone to go with us to the girls apartment before. Things that make you go Hmmmmmmm.

So check this out. This weekend I will be out of town. I am going up with a bunch of guys to Bittersweet Michigan to go skiing. How sweet is that! The best part is that it is going to cost me a whopping $40 for the whole trip. That includes the bus, the skis, and the lift ticket. THEN I am also going to be out of town next weekend too. I am heading up with a whole bunch of the Residence Halls greatest leaders to a conference at IU. We started writing our skit last night. It is so funny. We are doing a Price Is Right parody. We even have the theme music! Oh man it is going to be hysterical.

So life has been meetings, being presidential, being all managerish, and lots of random fun. Including a phone call with a girl like Caroline who taught me about opening a Roth IRA. Go back one entry in case you missed that. *giggles just remembering yesterday*


4:19 p.m.
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