
Uh oh...

Nothing like a little office drama. :) Its definitely fun getting to work with all these guys and getting scheduling bugs fixed and interviewing applicants and hiring new employees, etc. Sometimes though, I guess you could say, it gets a bit overwhelming. I feel like I need to run around the block...twice...and then I will be fine. All of this emotional stress just needs some sort of outlet. There are people in life that manage 38 employees for a living all day. I do it on top of a full course load and club work. And then of course there is Mountain TOP, but we won't get into that. =)

Life is busy and taking tons of unexpected turns. Relationships, leaky sink, overworked, stacked up homework, no sleep...its all definitely taking its toll on me. The key is in how I handle it all. Only time will tell thats for sure. Its interesting, though, to look back so far at this semester and note that there has been a nuclear meltdown of somesort everyday. At the same time though there has generally been a heroic save too.

All in all life is keeping me on my toes and I wouldn't ask for it any other way.


"Still the Nice Guy"

11:59 p.m.
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