
Off with you

There are rare, very very very very very rare occassions where I actually blow a gasket. A moment in time where I get truly mad.

Right now is one of those moments. I have the most retarded, slow, uninteligent, bum work group. These people are the leaches of life. THey mooch off the world and give nothing in return.

Tomorrow this group has a presentation due. A BIG presentation. This is the only thing left in the class. There is no more homework, no more tests, no more anything. I guess in some form you could actually call this our final.

Well, apparently I am the only one who cares about this monsterous project. Tonight we were supposed to have our final group meeting. The meeting where all our research and papers were combined. This was the meeting where we would discuss exactly what each person was going to talk about.

You would assume that a meeting of this caliber and importance would guarantee that the group members would show up. It turns out that this amazing breed of the human specimen has set out to prove me wrong. Only one other group member showed up. He was the only guy in our group who I would say isn't a waste of time. He came, we talked, no one else showed up, he left. He told me to email him with any work the two of us need to do since the other group members didn't do it.

I have decided what I am going to do. I am going to collaborate with this guy and finish the project with him. Then tomorrow when we do the presentation with the other group members we will simply show them their part and watch them flounder as they talk about it for the required 5 minutes each. Then when class is over we will go to the teacher and turn in the written report part behind our groupmates backs. This will ensure that the other group members fail.

I'm not sure how these people made it this far in life, but I am going to make sure that their meeting with me was the end of their free ride. Its time someone kicked them to the ground. I'm going to make sure they get the grade they truly deserve.


8:49 p.m.
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