

Tonight I was bored to death. So, I decided to watch some quality TV. I sat for two hours and watched Ashton punk all sorts of famous people. I must say, it was very entertaining. :)

I can't help but think though how normal famous people are. Through the show you really get to see that normal human side of them shine through and it made me realize that there is truly nothing between the unfamous and the famous except a camera lens. Very interesting...

And then a light bulb went off in my head. Hey! I wonder what it takes to be a producer?! I could produce shows. I could be the guy that is responsible for selling the brilliant idea, script, show, etc. I could do that!! C'mon, how hard could it be? *Famous last words*

I tried to see The Incredibles today. I failed. After 12:30 that afternoon the movie was sold out. Pretty crazy stuff. So when I arrived at 3:45 to see it I was forced to choose another movie. Brian and I chose National Treasure. It was actually a pretty decent movie. I still, however, really wanna see The Incredibles. I think I will try again tomorrow afternoon.

I have more stuff to put up here, but I don't feel like typing anymore. (Lame excuse, I apologize) I'm sure I'll type it up later though. :)

Have an awesome night, day, weekend, and may the Christmas Rush begin!! :p


10:23 p.m.
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