

What a day. Just to prove how busy I am I want to share a little fact with you. I have not had an hour to myself where I have been able to sit down and watch the Apprentice. I, until tonight, was two episodes behind! Finally, tonight, I said screw it, its time for me to do something for me. Here I am at 2:40 in the morning having just watched the last two episodes and feeling great. Although, tomorrow I doubt I'll be feeling so great. :) You know I am really not agreeing as much with Trump this season. He just seems to be doing too much "on the whim". I think if Trump looked deeper he would see that he kicked off some real talent. Its not that big of a deal though since the best are still on the show in my opinion.

No real news from this tiny corner of the world. Life is going at such a breakneck pace that I keep having to remind myself to stop and take a look around.

OH OH, I just remembered one HUGE thing that happened today. I got to ride a Segway. For those of you that don't know what a Segway is its Dude, it was so cool. I never should have ridden it though because now I really want one! :)

So long for now...


2:35 a.m.
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