

According to the DLand it has been five days since my last update. I think it is time.

So the Residence Hall Council is having this dance thing this winter. Seeing as how I am a member of RHC I am expected to go. Greeeeeeeeat.....

The Ultimate Underdogs had their first playoff game tonight. We went into overtime and ended up winning 7-6. It was definitely our toughest game yet. I got nailed right in the tailbone. Some people call it the butt, but I call it the tailbone since I seem to lack a butt. It hurts a good bit to sit down. Heh, its rather funny actually when it hurts to sit. Hey though, we are still undefeated! In celebration we all had a giant Mario Kart competition. :)

I am tired, worn out, on my last string, and most importantly hanging in there. Even if I am haning on by just the tiniest bit I am proud to at least be hanging on. Although alot of my classes have big huge a$$ papers due just before Thanksgiving Break. That is gonna be a beast. Although on the flip side that means Thanksgiving Break will just be that much sweeter.

Thats all from this end of the spectrum. I hope all is well in the rest of the world.


P.S. I am working as a bouncer this weekend. I kid you not. =) I get the funniest jobs. :p

12:36 a.m.
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