

I fashioned a nice little reading light last night at whatever odd hour of the morning that it was when I couldn't get to sleep. So now "The Cave" glows. :)

There is some new Dashboard on Napster. That is a very welcome change.

Eric got a SWEET MP3 player for his birthday. He also drives solo now. Very Very Scary!

I got some t-shirts in the mail today. They were so profound and not what I was expecting. I like getting what I am not expecting. It keeps life fresh and new. Adds some flava if you will. :) A big thanks goes out to Beagle and his amazing generosity! Thats for those of you who haven't discovered this jewel.

I have an exam tomorrow and then no classes on Friday since we are all going to the Illinois game. That should be fun. At the same time though, everyday I draw nearer to making up my mind and quiting band at the end of the semester. Why does quiting band make me feel guilty? Its like I am letting people down if I quit or something. I think I am just scared of leaving the security that band provides.

Ok, that is all the typing I feel like doing tonight. Hopefully I won't be writing another entry tonight at 2 in the morning. I wanna sleep well tonight!

Most importantly though, I hope that all of you out there sleep well tonight.

10:46 p.m.
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