
Car Ride

Ok, so here is the story. I get off work and head on over to play some kickball. It was serious fifth grade fun. I hope before the summer is out we can all play again.

Then I took Corie and Rachel home and then headed home myself. At that point I decided that I would take Jenna a milkshake since she had just had her wisdom teeth taken out. So mom says that she is going for a bike ride with Mrs. Wey. I say no probs. Then she informs me that I am eating dinner at 7:30ish so that we can go pick up my car from the shop in Nashville. Well, that poses a problem because I was gonna go give Jenna a milkshake. See the shop is in Nashville and by the time Mom and I would get to leave it would be 8:30 or 9:00. Ok, so mom calls Mrs. Wey and they decide to ride their bikes earlier so that mom and I can pick the car up earlier. Well then I hop online and see Jenna and I ask her if she is feeling up to a milkshake. The only response I get is "check you e-mail." So, I do as I'm told and I read the e-mail that basically explains that she actually didn't get them taken out. She has totally valid reasons for not being able to get them out today and I completely understood. The problem I am not gonna get to give her a milkshake and that was the whole reason that I made mom change her bikeride with Mrs. Wey so that we could get the car earlier. Ok, so I tell mom nevermind about the whole milkshake thing and that we can pick the car up whenever. So she calls Mrs. Wey and they reschedule again for their normal biking time. Eventually mom gets home and after Last Comic Standing is over at 9 I head out onto the porch to put my shoes on and walk to the car. Mom closes the porch door and locks it while I am out there. I remind her that I need my keys so that I can drive my car home so she says she will go get them. At 9:10 mom and I plus the dogs have all piled into the Highlander and are on our way to the auto shop. At 9:45 we arive and I ask mom for my keys. She hands me my keychain but there is no car key on it. I tell mom this and she makes this face that translated means "Jason that isn't funny now is not the time to joke around with me." How does "I'm not joking sound?" You see mom you can't grab the keychain that had the key on it that you gave to the repair man. That key is locked in my car at the moment. DUH. Well, now its time to drive home and get my key. The problem now is that they were doing construction on the highway and mom thought that it looked backed up for miles. She refuses to go back home on 65 South. That leaves us with some backroads that mom thinks she knows how to navigate. Mmk, telling me to turn and then saying no wait never mind your turn is at the next is all fine. But doing that for half an hour at nearly every stoplight....that is not fine. Eventually by 10 something we are back at home and mom says she will run in the house and grab the right key. What does she do? She grabs every key on the key holder. Yeah I guess technically she did grab the right key, but in the process she grabbed every freakin other one that we own. At 11 something I am FINALLY in my car and on my way home. I decide though not to take the back road home and mom sorta does this whole "I'm disappointed in you and if you don't get home until midnight because you took the highway then don't come crying to me." Thanks mom....and I then proceeded to hop on the highway as she turned onto those back roads. The end of the story is, at 11:45 or so I got home and around midnight mom got home. Mom hates it when she is wrong so I didn't say anything and instead headed right upstairs and into bed so as to avoid any conflict.

It was an eventful night as you can see. If you are still reading then I congratulate you. +1000 points my dland reader friend who made it this far. =)


P.S. I am sure that the one paragraph above should in all actuality be many paragraphs. The truth is...I am lazy and terrible at English. The End.

P.S.S. Today at 1:15 I give blood. Keep me in your thoughts. This is my first time. Liz told me I look like the type that might pass out. I think I agree with her. :p I can't believe how nervous I am. My heart is beating so fast and its not for another 3 and a half hours.

9:40 a.m.
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