
Great Weekend

What a weekend. I remember a few weekends back I posted an entry about how awesome my weekend was. Well, this one was just as cool. It started with some late night at Kumatz's on Friday. Then it moved into a time of floating and chilling and tubing and knee boarding and a little slight sunburning and fettuccini shrimping and then some karate'ing and ending with some aparent invading of the personal space (I think someone has a disillusioned idea as to how much of the seat was theres and how much of the seat was mine:P).

So then Sunday Eric left for camp and dad and I just worked around the house. I climbed ladders to get into the tops of trees and cut down huge broken branchs. Dad would have climbed the trees and helped, but being that fighter pilot that he is....he has a terrible fear of heights. So anytime trees need climbing or gutters need cleaning its always me that has to go do it. Then I cleaned out my car and vaccumed it. After cleaning I hopped in my car and ran some errands. I took out the recycling, bought a pair of flip flops and bought a SWEET pair of sandal things. I don't know what their technical term is, but I do know that they are SUPER comfy and very college looking.

Once I got home it was time to relax. I played computer and helped put together a picnic that mom dad and I enjoyed at last nights concert. The night was PERFECT. You honestly couldn't ask for any better weather. Having a picnic at dusk with perfect weather to the tune of a live band is just awesome. After the picnic I headed myself on over to wrap the weekend up in the same style that I started it. I went over to Kumatz's. The poor kid is locked up in his house for some unknown reason. Whatever he did it must have been pretty dang bad. Whatever the case may be it doesn't really matter though because it is tons of fun to go over there. We played some cards and then the fun really began when we whipped out Taboo. I absolutely love that game! In the end Team Balls beat Team Boobs, but that was due in part to their being an extra pair of balls in the group. I'm sure if their had been one more pair of boobs the game would have been a tad closer. Although lets be honest...Team Balls still would have won. =)

So there you have it. An awesome weekend all wrapped up in one nice DLand entry. Its weekends like these that make life worth living. And maybe when I am older and have the cash I will find it in me somewhere to buy a boat. Yes, that would be nice.

Its now Monday and I am sitting at my cubicle teaching a guy how to use our website. He is being a pain in the butt. The poor guy doesn't even know how to move a window around. I have been on the phone with him for at least 45 minutes already. Patience is probably going to be the word of the day.

As I sit here in my cubicle I can't help but over hear all the conversations going on around me. I work with pretty much all women so I hear alot of complaining about husbands. There is also a lot of conversation about new babies. It seems like half my co-workers are pregnant. Many of whom its their first. Its such a funny mix of complaining and happiness. "Are my ankles really supposed to be this BIG!!??" hehehe, its quite funny to listen to sometimes. I tell ya though, it really does sound like every husband in the world is just worthless sometimes. These ladies come in to work and it just ranting about how their husband did this and their husband did that. Then their is the one peacemaker in the group who hand sout the little tokens of advice. She tends to always say the same version of "Now go home and tell him how you feel. There is no point in hiding it from him. It will only build up friction between the two of you. Both of you know need to always be aware of how the other feels. Don't be afraid to take time alone, but at the same time don't be afraid to spend some quality time together too. The key is to communicate." Its the same lecture over and over. I wish I got a dollar every time she said it. I wish I got a dollar every time a lady came in and complained about her husband!!

I think this entry is long enough to entertain all those non-existent readers out there. Whoever and wherever you are, god bless and have a great day. Its time for me to get back to working with slow people.


8:24 a.m.
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