
A Terror

I'm not afraid of the dark...but falling asleep with no one home and the fact that no one will be home is rather hard the first few times. In a dorm when you are the only one in your room you are still surrounded by people. At home when no one is in it is just plain empty. No one. At midnight when I head up the creaky stairs with the dogs following behind it is just a tad creepy. Then when I turn the lights out in my room its too quiet. One memory races through my head as I lay motionless. The memory is of one of the scariest things to ever happen to me in my life.

When I was 10 or so I lay quietly in my bed one night trying to fall asleep. I was on my side facing the closet. I had my eyes open and was just staring. The kind of staring where you aren't really looking you are just sort of thinking and seeing your thoughts. Daydreaming in a sense. So I lay motionless with not a sound in the air. Suddenly my closet door violently swings open with a crack and the only thing I saw was a white object hovering between the floor and the rack that my clothes hang on. I went from daydreaming happy thoughts to utter terror sweeping through my body in miliseconds. I let out a blood curdling scream and eventually made it downstairs once I got my legs to start moving (It felt like an eternity). Mom ran to me as I stood in the kitchen crying like a lunatic. I was convinced a killer was in my room and when I told mom she reassured me that nothing was wrong, but I definitely remember her asking for dad to go upstairs with her to check it out.

What actually happened was that one of my model rockets fell over and pushed against the closet door (its on a spring). Then when the door opened I saw my bathrobe (my vision is terrible...I can't even make out that large E on the eye chart so that is why my bathrobe looked so scary).

While I know what the truth of the story is the memory still remains with me. The closet doesn't freak me out anymore (it did for a few months afterwards!). I must admit though, it is a little unsettling when the memory goes through my head when I am all alone in an empty house as the clock strikes midnight.

Goodnight everyone...


9:19 p.m.
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