
The Masks We Hide Behind

I can't step on anyone's toes. I have a need to please everyone and leave no one feeling left out. Sometimes, my need to not step on anyone's toes leaves me instead doing just the opposite, stepping on EVERYONE'S toes.

I try to do what I think is right and what is best. I don't know why I feel so guilty for just trying to be a friend. Sometimes I am wearing so many hats at one time that eventually they all just fall off at once and I am left standing alone with nothing.

...and then I was if I didn't feel all torn up enough already, I had to go and be late. I know they wanted to kill me. Its ok though, they deserved to. Well maybe not kill, that is pretty harsh. I dunno though...I messed up pretty bad. Considering the cirumstances I think it could have been justified.

This is not a feel sorry for Jason post. Quite the contrary. This is a note to self in a sense, so that I won't let the planets align on a full moon and make so many mistakes again. I have to learn to balance things and not put too much on my plate. I am going to go to my cubicle now and think over what I have done. I will come out when I am ready to be a person again. In the mean time, I feel like shit.

Goodnight world, maybe I will see you on Friday...


P.S. I feel naked without my cell phone. I need that thing back!

11:16 p.m.
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