
The Corner

You know that place where you feel completely safe. You feel like nothing can touch you, not even sadness. Everything about this place is perfect and it is where you go to get away. Like maybe its in someones arms or in a good book while you are alone in your own room. For each person it is different. My only wish is that my little place were more accessible. Sometimes it is rather hard to get to, but OH MAN is it ever so perfect when I make it! I could melt into my place and be completely silent. I could sit and listen, sleep, read, chat, anything. No matter what I did, it would be perfect becuase it is that kind of place.

In other news. Rachel is my hero. She managed to help me jump start my car. Aparently she told me I left my lights on. Looking back I think she might have said it, but it definitely never registered in my head. Thats ok though, because she got my car started. So, in order to make sure the battery fully recharged I drove down the highway to Old Hickory and then hopped off only to hop back on the highway and drive back to the mall. Lets all cross our fingers that all that driving was enough to recharge the battery. If it wasn't tomorrow is going to get off to a BAAAAAD start.

Speaking of tomorrow and BAD. Tomorrow is the beginning of Jason working his tail off. I will be working at the movies or COMDATA everyday until a week from sunday. In fact next friday as soon as I get off at COMDATA I will head straight to the movies to work the night shift. I am gonna DIE!!! I'll be one rich bastard come a week from Sunday though. Of course we all know I will just squirell all my money away in the bank and refuse to spend it. :p

Aimee got a milkshake today. :) I sure hope she gets to feeling better!

I wonder if my family is going on vacation anywhere this summer....I don't think we are. How boring!! I wanna go to the beach or do something really cool!!!!

Goodnight world...everyone call me and leave me little encouraging voicemails so I can get through this week of popcorn, concession, crappy managers, madness...


12:05 a.m.
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