
Job Wrinkle

God save the queen! Mr. Adam Cohen knows I am home....

Breath Jason, Breath. Think happy thoughts. Long walks on the beach, warm fire on a cold night, camping in a forest full of Redwoods.


So, I tried networking my computers. It appears only one can have the internet at once. :( Ah well, as long as I can figure out the steps to getting the internet on for mom I should be safe. Otherwise she might eat me alive. Lately thats all she has tried to do. She gives an order, then if I don't find a solution within 5 minutes, its my head. This craziness has got to end.

A cool little wrinkle has entered the job hunt process which has put a temporary halt on job finding until Thursday. In the meantime, though, I have all this free time. Its nice to have nothing to do, but at the same time I have never been one to have fun by myself. I'm one of those having fun with buddies kind of people. I think this may stem from my distaste of reading, which I think is one of the only things someone can do by themselves and have fun. I guess there is the TV too, but lately that has been kind of dumb. So anyway, I was basically bored all day and looking for something to do.

Have a nice short sleev'n kind of day...


11:02 p.m.
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