
A new phrase is born

It was good to see that Caroline and Evan had both updated. Made for some entertaining reading.

Caroline - Could you move your recital back a weekend you think? That would be super awesome. :) Otherwise I regretfully RSVP with...I will be at a Ben Folds Concert.

Evan - I read your DLand outloud to everyone in the dorm room. Not the whole entry, just the part about your brother. It was on one hand rather sad, on another a good learning experience, and on another hand it was very funny. Thanks for giving us a good laugh Evan and may your brother learn from this experience.

In other news...when I went to bed at midnight last night Lindsey and Steven were in bed together. When I woke up this morning they were still there. When I got back from my shower they were still there. When I got back from work they were still there. Finally, when I got back from lunch they were still there. They didn't get out of bed for about 13 hours. Now I may be wrong, and there is a good chance I may be, BUT is making out THAT fun for THAT long! I mean c'mon folks...thats a freakin long time! Granted they slept, some, but still. Ahh well.

I should have been asleep a while ago.....


12:49 a.m.
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