
A Band Concert

I had a band concert tonight. It was quite sweet. The concert band played some amazing tunes. Including one called Global Variations...something (I can't remember that last part of the title).

Its really sad that I can't take how I feel and express it. I wanted to tell Rachel about this song and how cool it was, but I was a complete failure. :| It is so incredibly impossible to express feelings and emotions. Words just make everything so dry and lifeless. The emotions were so much more rich and colorful than I could ever convey. Its as if attempting to describe them tarnished and lessened the emotions themselves.

So, I guess you just had to be at the concert to understand. ...Two Weeks? =)


P.S. The "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron" soundtrack is partially on Napster. Specifically the really really good track is. :p Boo ya!

10:45 p.m.
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