

I was walking today (my bike got stolen) and I had this really deep thought. It was about change. For instance, what is the difference between a good day and a bad day? Answer: Change. I came to realize why change is such a buzzword in corporate America. Its because change is what makes everything happen. For instance, some product is getting old and no one notices it anymore. How do you get people to notice it? Change. How do you get people out of a rut? Change.

So then I got to does change apply to relationships and I realized that for me change does the opposite of what you would think it would do. In every example I could think of change would be what catches your eye, but in relationships for me change is what makes me look away. Those poor girls I have gone on dates with never had a chance. They just weren't the same. They were different than what I was used to so I instantly wrote them off and spent the rest of the night getting a kick out of all their quirks. Weird huh? I'm not sure if my dislike of change in relationships is a good thing or a bad thing.....hmmm, more things to ponder. Is it healthy to be happy with the way things are or should one constantly be striving to change in a relationship? I wanna talk to someone about this. Bounce stuff back and forth. When I debate with myself it tends to be a bit of a one sided argument. :) I like hearing other people's thoughts.

I also got to thinking about something my youth director up here told me. (When you walk you have LOTS of time to think :) I'm not going to get into details. Be it suffice to say that I think I changed my mind again. heh...I have changed my mind a bazillion times on this one, but thats ok right? I am human. Might as well make it a bazillion and one. Bah, I'm just confused. Thats what it is.

Well, I am in meetings all night tonight so I doubt I will be in much. :( I really want to go to bed early and try to get better. My brain is going at full speed, but my body is just being retarded. Its all, non-functional crappy feeling. Have a great night fellow readers. Look up ahead...I think I see a light at the end of the tunnel. :) (Anyone wants to hire me for the summer I am available....:)


5:19 p.m.
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