
El Presidente...AGAIN?!

Its done. I got all 50 signatures. I went around to each senator and got to know them personally. Now the only part left to do is get elected President and that happens on Monday if I am not mistaken. Cross your fingers. Its gonna be a close one! (I can't believe I am going for President already! What will I run for my Senior year?!?!)

The joys of being a senator. Tonight was sex seminar #2. We discussed STD's. To be quite honest nothing was really talked about and everyone was just sitting there. The lady kept asking if there was anythig we wanted to talk about. So with the awkward silence falling over the room and knowing that this little gathering wasn't going to just last 1 minute I decided I would start the conversation going. My question? "What sex life can one expect to have once they contract an STD?" Well there we go. These guys were talking up a storm. In fact we couldn't get people to stop talking. Kids were interupting each other all over the place. The general consesus that everyone came to was that those people with STD's need to have there own STD personal section in the paper. Then they can advertise and hook up with those people that have their same STD. After all, who cares if you transmit the thing to your partner....they already have it. Yet again, another waste of time.

So now that I am back from my wasting of time at the stupid seminar I had to go to, I decided to see who had updated. Low and behold captain Beagle47 has updated again. And he has provided yet another diamond in the rough. Sure this one is cheesy, but its the truth! Click Me

Thats all folks. Have a smiling wonderful day. There is no other way to live :)


9:53 p.m.
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