
Happy, is it my birthday?

"I'm your only friend, I'm not your only friend. But I'm your little blonde friend. But really I'm not actually your friend. But I am....gonna make a little birdhouse in your soul"

So lets see, technically I turned 19 four minutes ago! I can't say it really counts, though, because it is still basically yesterday. It won't be tommorrow until I wake up. Also, due to the international dateline and being born in Japan (now all readers who don't know me will start redrawing their depictions of me as a Japanese dude:) I wonder what day I was actually born. I guess technicaly I was born on the 25th American time and the 26th Japanese time. Too much thought for this hour of the night. :)

I'll tell ya more when I recover from writing this report that I just finished.



12:04 a.m.
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