
China with a little Spaniard

So the sound on my little TV creation that I made out of my monitor seems to be going a bit haywire lately. I won't dare put up the technical reasons as to why this is happening because I think some of you readers may revolt and lead a charge to instate a permanent deletion of this space of mine.

In other news, Adam called me a Jew today. I told him I didn't want to buy a TV. He told me I was a cheap skate. That I am, but I also don't have room in this little space of a dorm room for a TV. Anyway, somehow all of that made me a Jew somehow. I dunno if I want to be Jewish like Adam. Maybe I can just be an honorary Jewish kid. Yeah....I always wanted a Yamacka (sp?!?!)

Also in other news that relates to my cheap skatedness...It turns out after doing the math that it is cheaper for me to simply buy a plane ticket home for the occasions I did feel the need to go home rather than paying for car insurance every month. I rest my case dad and all you nay sayers out there. :)

Today I watched a Chinese guy sing a Ricky Martin song on American Idol. My stomach still hurts a bit. Just couldn't stop laughing for some odd reason.

Enjoy the night folks. I forgot to steal a lunch tray like the rest of the world so I am stuck inside tonight with no sled.

I just finished my moms cookies. Anyone else out there got some cookies that they want to send me. I need a midnight snack loaded with sugar. Thanks.


10:20 p.m.
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