
Band Rushing Frat Boy

WooHooo!!! Talk about envigerating!!! I went to bed at 9:30 last night and woke up at 6:30 this morning and I feel awesome!!

While I probably would have liked to sleep in until noon and break some sleeping record, I couldn't becuase the phone just rang. Yeah, who calls at 6:30 on a SUNDAY morning. Or any day of the week for that matter! Well, Steven rushed Kappa Kappa Si, the band fraternity, and got accepted. So guess who had five minutes to be in a suite and standing waiting outside in the cold. He is ready in 4 and gets outside when I peak my head out the window just in time to see him be rushed to a car that skids off into the pitch black morning. I chuckle as the car speeds off wondering what he has got himself into. I think the best part is he didn't come in until 2 or 3 last night, or no technically that would be this morning. Hehehehe

I love college.


6:37 a.m.
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