

Oh what a fabulous evening. I set my goals, buckled down and got to work, reached my goals, and now have stayed up too late playing video games with Steven. The best part is, I can just take a nap tomorrow from 10:30 to 2:00. Wednesdays are quickly appearing to be my RELAXATION days.

I got the video camera this morning so expect some crazines to be appearing on here over the weekend. :)

Oh and I definitely got an e-mail from my section leader inviting me to a big ol party he is having. Cups are $4 at the door, but he needs to know ahead of time who will be buying the cups so that he can get enough kegs. Trumpets aparently are known for drinking more than the average soul. I think I along with a few of my buddies are going to go so that we can watch and talk to the drunk people. It will be most entertaining. Best part is we won't have to pay the $4! FREE for sober people! Oh, and Tony, my section leader, says that there will be free Oreo cookies for the sober ones. Now I am definitely going!!! :)

By the way, my band director told me today that I had a nice grin when she called my name out for role call. While I did find that funny, I also found it just a bit weird. I mean, who compliments a person's smile? Has she never seen a kid smile with their mouth open before?

Thats all from this end of the neighborhood...


12:50 a.m.
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