

One down and three to go. I am delerious after studying for this next one. It is 100 questions and cumulative. Major pain. I am seeing 4. Not just double but 4. I am dizzy. I am doing funny stupid things. I used 11% of my brain instead of the usual 10% and now things are just going nuts. AHHHHH!!!!

Quick! How many squirells can fit on an elephants back?!!!!! 13


When I read this is what I read...

I am going funny see fuzzy stupid things. No thats not what it says. I am doing fuzzy stupid things. No thats not what it says. I am going funnzy doing stupid things. Ok just stop. This is getting insane. You have studied tooooo long!

Delerious is spelled delirious. I know, Steven just corrected me. So any spelling nazis out there who want to correct my spelling will have to refrain for one day. I don't know any spelling nazis but then again I don't know who reads this. SO :P

10:54 p.m.
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