

I have come to realize a piece of the puzzle. Everyday I dream. I dream of the future, what it will be like. How fantastic it will be. How awesome and awe inspiring. How many great things I will accomplish. Most of all I dream/wonder who I will spend this future with. I have come to rezlize that I may jsut be in some small sense a hopeless romantic. I expect more than reality can deliver. I 100% completely and totally believe that if what happened to me in highschool had instead happened in college my life would be COMPLETELY different. In a good way? I am not sure. I have a feeling putting high school in a college setting would have created its own unique issues.

Life is so confusing and sometimes my little brain just can't handle it all.

I had a previous entry today that I wrote just a small bit ago. Go check it out too. Its not like this entry :)


P.S. I don't mean to sound so frustrated so often lately. Its just that I am really struggling with all this. Just like most other struggles though it will soon pass and look like just another phase.

P.S.S. Life is a Sin (pronounced sign) Curve

12:26 a.m.
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