

The wind is going nuts outside and the temperature has dropped a WHOLE lot!

Tonight we came up with a preliminary name...ORB, OnlineRoleplayingBand. Steven and I are going to work on the weather generator tonight I think.

I know I haven't updated in a while, but all news seems like old news. Nothing big and grand has happened. I am in the groove and getting things done. I also now have an addiction to the Simpsons and Everybody Loves Raymond. The Simpsons are funny and I wouldn't mind having a family like Raymond's family when I grow up. I think I could pull it off. :)

Mom wants me to send in a Christmas list. Sheesh, even she is thinking about it and its still two weeks before Thanksgiving. What the crap?!

Indiana is the windiest state on earth! I swear I am going to see a kid fly by my window becuase the wind picked him any second now!

Have an excellent night everyone!


7:59 p.m.
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