
Miss Dogs

To what do I owe such a beautiful day? I gratefully and humbly say thank you.

Good conversation with Jenna. yup yup. Jenna you are cool.

Worked my tail off with Ian and got an essay all finished. Well, until our stupid English teacher tells us it sucks. In which case we will have to scrap it and right a new one. Yeah, revisions aren't allowed, only scrapping and starting over. :(

I got some info for Gersh. Ummm, yeah. We'll see what he says. :)

College is going well. Life is sorting itself out painfully slow. "Time", I tell myself. Every single thing just needs more time. I've only been here for 2 months, I can't expect the world so quickly.

I took the doors off of my closet. It looks a lot better now. I feel like I have more space. Its an optical illusion, but who cares.

I miss my dogs.


11:07 p.m.
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