
Elementary School Love

A guy and his son drove me back to Purdue. The son is doing the college search thing and Purdue was his next stop. Interesting Fact: The kid was Rachel's boyfriend in elementary school! :) hehehehehe It was so funny. I slept through Kentucky, but the whole rest of the trip we were all chatting away! Ahhh, good times.

When I got back I met up with Steven and Gersh and told them about my weekend. I think Gersh was really impressed. Looking back I was really impressed! I freakin got to hang out with everyone Sunday night AND I got to go canoeing on Monday. I mean really??? Who has a better weekend than that???

Ooh, and then I told Gersh the story about me buying the Guster CD at Borders. I know I made the story better than it was in real life, but who cares. He wasn't actually there. He wouldn't know the difference. :) Besides, he liked the story. The check out guy was like a super hero of hapiness when the story was over! ;) I'm a seven who loves to story tell and exagerate. I can't help it. It makes my life better. :)

Excuse me while I smile some more. :) :) It felt so good to tell Gersh about my weekend. Even if he didn't care at all what happened, he acted like he did. He listened and made me feel like a million bucks. Most of all he helped me see how awesome my weekend was and how there is no reason in the world to feel down about saying goodbye. I'll be back at Thanksgiving! :) Ahhh, my weekend rocked my face off. Thats just all there is too it. And c'mon, I rode for six hours in a car with Rachel's elementary school boyfriend. hehehehehe I just think that is so funny. I have no clue why, but its funny. I mean I get in the car and the first thing he says is "Hey, so I hear you know Rachel Kernodle. How is she doing?" "Ummm, good" "You know I used to go out with her." "Ohhhh reaaaaaaalllly" "Yup, we went out in elementary school" "Ohhhhhh reaaaaaaaallly" "So have you got any pictures of her?" "Ummm, no" "Oh.......who doesn't carry around a picture of their girlfriend?" "Me" "Oh" "Besides we aren't 'going out'" "Oh" "We are friends" "Ohhhh, yeah I have a female posse like that...we just know" "Yeah, I think I know what that is like (jason winking in his head and thinking of the uber cool lunch table :)"

So yeah, it was a good trip ;)


11:36 p.m.
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