
College Life

Let's see, From Florida and Turning 18 seem to be the two top selling albums of the week.

I love college.

My cell phone just died and needs re-juicing.

Today a girl told me that I had a pretty voice. She said she liked it when I hummed. Aparently I do it alot. I never noticed that.

I kicked Gersh's butt in RON.

I am smarter than some of my peers. (This is new for me)

I wrote a really good paper for English! (This too is new for me)

Band is kicking into full swing and I am having a blast.

There are these little tiny black bugs that everyone is finding and you don't notice them until they bite you. Those little suckers pack a wollop. No one can figure out what they are.

I am a dork. I love being a dork. I now go to a college where I am surround by equal or better dorks.

When I came back from DisneyWorld it was nice to sleep in my own bed. That was weird. I am subconciously and conciously considering my dorm room home now. It is setting in that I no longer live in Brentwood. I have a new "home". While that is a good and bad thing, at least my bed is really comfortable!

Did I mention I taught myself to ride my bike with no hands? :)

Guster - Backyard - Good stuff...really good stuff

I wish someone besides Willy Nelson would come perform here. Sorry to all you Nelson fans, but he is just a bit too old school for muah.

I listened to an interview of the Chapman Brothers. They are the ones who created They are some pretty cool guys. It was a good interview. I found it searching on google. It is well worth your time if you can find it.

I like to ride my biiiicycle, biiiicycle, biiiicycle. (My transportation revolves around this. I have stopped walking)

Oh, in Disney I got to see some Segways in action. They are these "human transporters". Look it up if you don't know what I am talking about. They are sooo sweet in real life!! I was amazed at how stable, silent, and cool they were. The lady who directed cars was riding around on one.

Today I ate my lunch in a total of seven minutes. I absolutely love Wednesdays! :( Talk about indegestion!

Our band show for this week is so sweet. We are playing margaritaville and we actually form a martini glass on the field and a pitcher. The flags and twirlers are in the pitcher and when we move the pitcher they get poured out into the martini glass. We also form a giant surfer on a surf board and he surfs across the field while moving his arms. We do that during Surf City. College band is quite entertaining.

This week I discovered the power of My brothers birthday is this weekend and I was having trouble figuring out how I was going to get him a gift. I thought about just telling mom to get him a gift for me, but then that wouldn't be personal. Thanks to the power of I am able to buy his gift, send it to him, have it wrapped, and include a nice little note!! All for a very small fee. It was painless and actually quite fun. I got him a computer game, but shhh no telling him. He is a dork too you know. ;)

Ok I think that is all...goodnight...


11:58 p.m.
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