
Good College Time

I absolutely love the song You Found Me by FFH. It disappeared for a while, but now its back! I found a christian radio station that broadcasts online and they play it all the time!! The song makes me sooo happy!!! :)

In fact may I just say that in general I am quite uber happy. The temperature appears to be below 80 degrees for the next few days! What more could a kid ask for?? Today the high was supposed to be 74, but since the clouds never went away it never got above 64!!! Oh it is so sweet. I think I might have to whip out the sweatshirt tonight! :)

Classes are going quite well, nothing to complain of. All the gears are turning at almost full strength now. All, but one of my classes is in full swing. The class that isn't, Industrial Technology 104, is still going a bit slow because the professor, well, he is a bit slow. ;) He prefers to go by Bob, not professor or anything like that, just plain Bob. He is a cool guy. We have watched videos in that class so far. :)

I need to stop writint in here and get to work on my homework. I am so proud of myself at how I have done my homework so far. I haven't slacked off and waited till the last minute on any assignments!! Ahh it is so freeing when you do your assignments early. Not only do you gain a new found sense of accomplishment, but you also feel lighter. Less burdens to worry about!

Peace to all...


7:56 p.m.
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