
Come Home Rachel!

Let's see how this break has been. I came home Sunday afternoon and did nothing but be a bump on a log and sleep. Then on Monday (or was it Sunday...I can't remember...I was/am too tired to remember) I watched Jerry Maguire. That was good, except for the fact that it made me miss Rachel a bunch more. Then today I went out and got address labels. That was basically the only productive thing I did. Actually I take that back. I have been slowly doing my own laundry over break. Just emptying the washer out everytime I walk by and filling it back up. Camping for two weeks just seems to create an endless void of laundry. So all this free time of nothing to do and I can't help but miss Rachel. Haven't seen or heard from her in like a month. I honestly didn't think I was gonna miss her this much. I was kinda hoping I wouldn't miss her too much. That way I would know that college would be pretty alright. Well I was wrong. I miss her tons. Argh, I wish she would hurry up and get home or call me or something.

Oh oh oh, I almost forgot. I did something productive on Monday! I spent about an hour working on a premade template and revamping my dland. I changed quite a bit of the code and I like my version a whole lot better than the premade one. I do like the auto note adder thing though. Pretty sweet, huh!

Well thats all from this end...


10:40 p.m.
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