

Being alone on a Mountain can really change a person. So much time to miss your friends, yet so little time to actually do something about it.

I just finished watching Jerry Maguire. Now I feel all sad and lonely. I should have never watched that movie with me having had so little sleep. I got into it way to much and really let my emotions go for a ride. All I can say is that it has been way to better call me soon.

Tomorrow Steven and his fam are coming over for burgers so we can "discuss what each of us can bring to college." It was most definitely Mr. Hoods idea. Sometimes I worry that he might kill himself over the details of life. For the love of Pete...who cares what each can bring to college. If you really need something and you forgot it then Wal-Mart is right down the street! And if Wal-Mart doesn't have it then you really never needed it!

So besides the fact that I miss ya more than these dinky words on the internet can describe...thats all I have to say...


9:57 p.m.
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